Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Countdown Begins!

(I should have posted this yesterday so let's just pretend.....)


38 weeks.

Self-portrait, no makeup. Sorry.


Yes, he is licking his chalk cake.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

36 weeks

Yesterday was my doctor's appointment. I have lost a pound (19 lbs total)! After an exam the doctor said "I think you are going to have another big one!!" Really?? I was really surprised since I've felt a lot smaller this time around. Guess all that water retention with Carter added more than I though. I am also 1 cm dialated already! He said he won't check my dialation again since I'm having a csecion, but I could go now or it could be 3 more weeks! lol

Not much else going on. We've been staying indoors a lot lately since it is so stinkin' hot here!! Today's high was 99* and that's without the heat index!! Yuck! We do have a painter lined up to come and do the nursery. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

35 weeks

4 more weeks (until scheduled csection)!!!

This week started my weekly doctor appointments. I have just now hit the 20 lb mark, I am still wearing my wedding ring, and I only have (very) slight swelling in my legs/feet! WOOHOO!!

STILL haven't painted the nursery though........ :o(

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

34 weeks

Today starts week 34! Only 5 more weeks to go (since she will be a week early)! I am still feeling really good. I still have ankles and am wearing my wedding ring!! I do get hot very easily, but that isn't too weird for me. I am very proud to say that I've only gained 18 lbs so far (according to last week's appointment)!! I'm pretty sure I was double that amount at this time with Carter.

We have finally decided on a name. Carter and I were really pushing for Ella but daddy wasn't sold on it. We ended up agreeing to go with the name we had chosen for Carter if he had been a girl.....Ashlyn Grace. Carter transitioned to the new name very easily and talks about Ashlyn a lot.

Starting next week I will have weekly doctor appointments until the big day! We better hustle and get the nursery done!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

We had free tickets to the Cardinals game on Sunday so we decided to take Carter to his first game! The game had been scheduled to start at 1:15 but it was picked up by ESPN so it got pushed back to 7:15. That was good because Carter could still get in a little nap beforehand. We wanted to try to get there early enough for batting practice so we left our house at 4:00. We picked up some Subway sandwiches on the way and then headed to the Metro station. Whenever we head downtown for a popular event we try to take the Metro. You don't have to mess with traffic and parking and it is usually cheaper than paying for parking. This was the second time Carter had riden the Metro. We hadn't told him we were going on it so he was excited when he saw the trains!
heading to the game on the Metro
We got to the game an hour before it started but missed batting practice. We did get to see a dog parade though (it was Pooches in the Park day)! Carter had fun running up and down the stairs and going from seat to seat.
Carter wasn't too interested in the game once it started. Although we were only 9 rows from the field, we were in the outfield and it was a little hard to see home plate. At one point we asked him where the bat was and he pointed to the foul pole! lol He did have fun yelling "CHARGE!" and clapping to the music. He also enjoyed eating and going between me and Aunt Chelle Chelle.

Overall we had a good time, although the Cards did lose 4-3 in the 10th inning (we left after the 7th inning).

Diaper Shower

On Saturday, June 5th, my Sunday School class threw me a diaper shower at a local restaurant! I had never heard of a diaper shower until coming to church here but I love the idea! After having big, "regular" baby showers with baby #1, you don't really need to go all out with #2+. Diaper showers provide you with those consumable items that you would have to get again (diapers, wipes, etc).

Ten lovely ladies from church helped to celebrate our little "Sweet Pea" (that was the theme of the shower). After eating, we had some (DELICIOUS!) cake while I opened gifts. Along with diapers and wipes, I also received some cute little outfits, booties, a picture frame, and stuffed animals. Carter took to the stuffed animals very quickly and I will be sneaking them away and out of his reach soon! :o)